Update: Third Quarter 2004Our Great Adventures Up North58K is taking us on an exciting adventure this summer! Alaska and other parts north and/or west, including Seattle and Park City! We left Chicago on June 13th, arrived in Alaska on June 17th and stayed in Alaska through July 23rd. As of July 30th, here's where we've been: (Links to archived pages are still available via the navigation bar on the left side of the page.) Farewell Alaska Well, Ketchikan was our last stop in Alaska. After 5 wonderful weeks of wandering around Alaska, it was time to start heading back to the lower 48. We left Ketchikan on a beautiful sunny day, and flew over the coast of British Columbia to land at Orcas Island (part of the San Juan Islands near Seattle). It was kind of bittersweet to say goodbye to Alaska, and we hope to be back again someday.
Seattle (Orcas Island, Friday Harbor, Seattle) We spent 6 lovely days in the Seattle area visiting with family on Orcas Isand, in Friday Harbor and in Seattle. We caught up with our good friends the Knox's in Seattle. And we also did a bunch of flight-seeing (click on the link to see the flight-seeing outing around Seattle). We started off on Orcas Island where we spent 3 nights in Kurt & Lisa's lovely seaside house. We hung out and explored and played on the beach - the kids had a blast visiting with their cousin, Emma!
On Saturday night, we took the ferry over to Friday Harbor to rendezvous with family members traveling from various ports (two Oma's coming from Cortes Island with 3 cousins, Papa and Roland sailing from Seattle, 7 of us coming from Orcas). We had a nice time hanging out on Roland's boat and then having a family dinner before taking the ferry back to Orcas.
On Monday, we made the short flight (30 minutes) to Seattle's Boeing Field. We had nice views of the islands, the city and nearby Mt. Rainier.
Over the next few days, we hung out and played with family and friends in various Seattle venues.
On Wednesday, Yannis spent the afternoon and evening flying! 2 flight-seeing trips with Becca's family and a trip to Friday Harbor with Roland and Karen to drop off Max with Oma Gehild (and of course a short flight-seeing trip around Orcas for Oma Gehild). Finally, on Thursday, we headed off for Olympia to visit the capitol. Before leaving Boeing, we checked out this beautifully restored DC-3. (The DC-3 is considered by many as the aircraft that truly established the commercial aviation industry.)
Olympia, Washington Keeping in the tradition of visiting the capitol of every state we stop in, we made the 25 minute flight to Olympia for a brief visit and lunch.
After Olympia we made a brief stop in Kelso (to view an IMAX movie on Mt. St. Helens) and then we headed off for Boise, Idaho for the night (it was on the way, so why not).
Boise, Idaho Boise was fun, but hot - 99 degrees! We slept in after our late arrival, hung out in the morning (finally getting to breakfast around 11AM), swam at the hotel pool, then went off to explore the city. We visited the Capitol building, and Tasha thought it was one of the most beautiful interiors we have seen in Capitol buildings.
We wandered around downtown in the heat and found a nice fountain that kids were playing in. So, not ones to pass up an opportunity to play in water, Tasha and Anika joined in. Even if they weren't in bathing suits!
Finally, after playing and waiting for some of the day's heat to diminish, we took off for Utah. Less than 2 hours later, we landed at Heber City airport where Joel and Mischy were kind enough to come out and pick up our crew and all our stuff (we barely fit in the truck).
Park City, Utah
Well, that concludes the bulk of our summer vacation. We've traveled over 9,000 miles since leaving Chicago and spent a little over 50 hours in the plane. We plan to stay in Park City for about 1 week visiting with Newenka's family (Mischy, Kivi, Uncle Bill and the boys are all visiting too). Our current plan is to be back home around August 7th or 8th. We look forward to getting back home and catching up with our family and friends there. Not to mention wearing some different clothes! :-) |
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