| Cape Town,
South Africa - Part 2
PenguinsA subset of our crew decided to check out the penguins down in Simons Town. Unlike the little Fairy Penguins in Australia, the local penguins are pretty much out and about all day long (rather than just at sunrise and sunset). Tasha got some fantastic photos of these little guys - here are some particularly cute ones.
Table MountainConsidered one of southern Africa's most beautiful and impressive natural wonders, Table Mountain lies in the center of Cape Town and towers about 3,000 feet above it.
While you can simply catch a cable car to the top (about 5 minutes each way), we decided to hike it. Yannis, Tasha, Mischy, Joel, Kivi, Oma and Papa got to go by foot, Newenka and the rest of the kids would ride the cable car and meet at the top. One of the many trails up the mountain starts about 2 km from the lower cable car station which makes car logistics much simpler, so off we went. Up and up and up...
Tasha, Kivi and Mischy on their way up. Looking up at the last half (or so) of the climb.
For the record, Yannis didn't take many "rest breaks," he took "photo breaks." They're different, really :-) Table Mountain is home to a bit of local birdlife as he discovered:
After 2.5 hours of relentless climbing (kind of like a StairMaster on steroids), we made it to the top! The views from up top are pretty spectacular. Below we're looking out over Cape Town. The peak on the left is Lion's Head and attached to it is Signal Hill (together, they make a lion reclining on the side of Cape Town). Near the top and to the left, you can see Robben Island (more info on that later).
After a quick snack and cool down (the breeze felt really nice up top!), we took the short cable car ride down to decide what to do with our afternoon. Not being one to pass up an opportunity to fly, and being particularly inspired by the views from Table Mountain, Yannis went up for a scenic flight around Cape Town and the surrounding area.... Next Page - Cape Town Part 3 - An aerial perspective
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