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"A-Moo-zing" View
(or "A Moo with a View?")

Walking through the Alps, I reached
the conclusion that these cows are probably the luckiest in the world since they
spend their days grazing in some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever
encountered. |
For me, the "quintessentially Swiss experience" has become a hike in the gorgeous mountains
where, inevitably, we will encounter numerous cows along the way.
Even the sounds of the cow bells have a pleasant sound (kind of like a wind
chime, actually, but on a larger scale), and on the really foggy hikes, it's
kind of neat to hear the bells yet not see the cows.
Anyway, so there we
were, on one of our final hikes in Switzerland when I ran across this cow just hanging out, chewin' its
cud and seemingly savoring the breathtaking view of the mountains and glacier
across the valley.
(The cow bell audio clip is courtesy of Anika's camera.) |
Hey, it's an ArvaMont family photo
Well, I thought it would be
fun to get a picture of one of the kids with this cow and the beautiful backdrop, and Anika was the closest, so
she "won." Initially, she was a bit hesitant to get close -
intimidated by the size of the cow (can't blame her, really) - but she
eventually warmed up to the idea.

It's ok Anika...you can get a little closer.

That's better. Maybe you should take a picture of her too.

"Hey cow, do you say 'fromage' or 'käse' ?" :-) |

Anika's picture. Moooooo (translation:

Thanks, and see you later.

Different place, different cow, but a nice view and a
pretty fancy cow bell too. |
Ba-a-a-a-a-a-d Goat!
And finally, apparently, it's not only
the cows that have fun in the Swiss Alps...

like it on this here crossing. Here's what I think of your silly little train...phhhzzzz!!!"
were "shoo-ing" the goats away at the train station in Kleine Shiedegg on this
FYI, Anika and I each got butted by goats (albeit mildly) just to complete
our Swiss animal experience.
That's all for now. -y