The African Big 5
The Big 5 were the animals people came to South Africa to hunt, back when that was still the thing to do. These were the most challenging animals to shoot, so obviously the most desirable! Nowadays, we shoot these and many other animals photographically, but it is still fun to look for these five:
The guys above are white rhinos. The one to the left is a black rhino.
White rhinos are grazers and black rhinos are browsers, so you can see they have slightly different head shapes.
The latter is so rare that our guide was fumbling around trying to find his own camera when we happened upon it! Leopard
It was while watching this fellow that we had our second flat!
Each of us had our own "Big 5," want to see some of our favorites? More Mammals Of course some of us especially like birds. See Birds Or would you prefer to see some shots of our flat tires? On Safari
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