| These are Anika's Musings for the first 5 months of our trip:
November 11, 2007
More pigeons have been added to the pigeon page.
November 9, 2007
October 30, 2007
I had the best b-day you can have when your 1000 miles from anyone you know (My family does not count, I know them from head to toe)
Anika's Birthday Montage, prepared by her mother!
Tasha and Anika translate an obscure clue. Anika employs the Individual Kinetic Encoding Apparatus (IKEA, for short) The two hunters assemble the final puzzle, and Anika scores lots of loot. (Oh the packing nightmare...) On the cake front, we had some trouble. No good candles! (oops) The first attempt, matches, strikes out. The large candle is unsatisfactory. Bummer.
October 22, 2007 somewhere in southern France:October 9, 2007
September 29 - Hamburg
September 9
August 10
A cog wheel track in Gridelwald
August 8
More poetry:
July 20
limerick around the world we go we're Americans so we'll hang low through rain or shine I said that is fine I hope that doesn't include snow
limwreck as in it does not rhyme it's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring (if it's loud you can say my dad is snoring) Went to bed bumped his head And couldn't get up in the morning
it's a weak rhyme
July 11
July 8 -Pigeon pictures posted - see pigeons
July 2 -A poem about our first day in Helsinki:
June 25 - On the train from Moscow to St. Petersburg
A Couplet style Poem by Anika
A good knight always likes his stead Fights with great courage and speed
A good knight still has pity inside Knows when to keep secret and when to confide
A good knight works for a king and his wife Will listen to them and yield his life
A good knight is never a bore Too bad they aren't alive any more.
The train had lots of space until you put the suitcases in. (which takes up a quarter) if you want excitement check out the cabs :-)
June 19 - Ponsticil, WalesA Minor Poem by Anika
Johnny, why's there snoring coming from that heap? I'm not tired, just my foot fell asleep!
June 15 - Watching 3-D Dinosaurs at the Science MuseumYou'd think I was going to Mercury with those glasses. :)
June 15 - London - Hyde Park
June 12 - London -"London is just like Chicago, everyone is always in a hurry! " June 11 - London -I woke up with this poem in my head, thanks partially to Beatrice! Pins and Ants by Anika Invisible pins, not the safety kind, Will rob your body; rule your mind.
They will slowly
drive you mad
Little ants crawling around On you - not on the ground
Don't get these guys, please Bye! ('Cause you don't want me to talk about fleas!)
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