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This looks like a rock sample you might see in science class, but look again
- this is The Rock of Gibraltar!
On entering Gibraltar
by car, which required only that we flash our passports, we were stopped at
a red light. But this is no ordinary red light! After the light turns
red, a gate comes down. Then a policeman places a spiked chain across the
road. (I wouldn't want to run over that!) Yannis
gets out of the car to have a look, but is quickly shushed back in - there
can be no leaving your car at this intersection! Then, a British
Airways jet landed right in front of us!
Welcome to the Gibraltar airport - the country is so narrow, the runway has to run right across the main road
leading in and out of town.
In fact the land on which the runway sits is reclaimed land. This used
to be a narrow isthmus! |
The Lighthouse
At the very tip of Gibraltar is a lighthouse, and a fine view of Africa when
it isn't totally hazy. It also becomes quite apparent that there are a lot
of ships anchored all around Gibraltar, east and west of the peninsula.
Why? We think they're staged for loading and unloading, but really we have
no idea!

Botanic Gardens
Anika was enthralled with all the cacti in this little park!

Nature Reserve
It turns out that Gibraltar is the only place in Europe to have "wild"
monkeys, the Barbary Macaque. (While these monkeys aren't kept in
cages, they are fed and vaccinated and otherwise cared for, so can you
really call them wild?)

Aren't they so cute?
Until you see this!!!
Rumor has it that these monkeys
(sub-apes, actually, as they have no tail) originally came to Gibraltar via an
underground tunnel whose exit is in a huge cave, which is also located in the
nature reserve.
From here we meandered our way down
to Marrakech.