Around the World With the ArvaMontsHermitageEngland Wales Russia Finland Estonia France Switzerland Germany Austria Hungary Slovakia Czech Republic The Netherlands Italy Spain Gibraltar Morocco Sudan Kenya Tanzania UnitedArabEmerites Egypt Turkey Greece Jordan India Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Japan China Hong Kong Indonesia Australia NewZealand FrenchPolynesia RapaNui Chile Peru Bolivia Ecuador |
| St. Petersburg, Russia
As observed by someone who knows little about art.
Well, everyone who goes to St. Petersburg "has to go" to the Hermitage (pronounced "air mih tazh' "). I rarely go to the Chicago Art Institute, so I wasn't sure that I was looking forward to a day of roaming through an art museum, but frankly, I was blown away! Not by the art, in my case, but by the gorgeous museum itself and the rooms of the Winter Palace - the art wasn't bad either. My camera can't quite replicate the experience of being there, but I have tried my best to share some of the grandness and beauty of this spectacular place. And if you find yourself in St. Petersburg, Russia sometimes, I would definitely recommend it for a visit even if you're not an art aficionado. (Clicking on an image below will bring up a larger version of it.)
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