In case anyone is
worried...the bull does not die in this game of man versus animal; and the
young man above escaped harm too.
The Bull Games of
Saintes Maries de la Mer, France
Wandering around Saints
Maries de la Mer, we kept seeing postcards of some guy being chased over a fence by
a bull, and we figured it was just some sort of local bull fighting. But
the postcards made the game look somewhat unusual, so when an opportunity came up
to attend a game at the local arena, we couldn't really pass it up (and it was
free!). We planned to "just go for the 1st half," but it was so much
fun that Yannis and Tasha stayed for the full event. It was actually quite
interesting and entertaining - and unlike traditional bull fighting, all
participants lived on.
Below is a synopsis of
what we saw and understood. As with most pages in our RTW trip journals, clicking on an image below will bring up a larger version of it
Start with 1 bull - the larger and meaner, the better. - and tie some strings
around and across its horns.
Actually, start with a lot of bulls...a fresh bull is brought in for every round
and there were probably 15-20 rounds in the whole event.
Release the bull into a small,
circular stadium packed with spectators.

Paint the boundary fence red just to help keep the bull agitated.
Hmm...some of these
folks don't seem too happy with this guy staring at them. This could get
interesting (though we're calm, we're at the top of the upper
Add some young men
dressed all in white (this is just begging to be an advert for some laundry
detergent, don't you think?) There are 10-12 guys in white on the field
with the bull. 2 have red lettering on their jerseys, the rest have black
We think that they are 2 teams, but we're not really sure.

Let the game begin!
The overall objective
appears to be to cut the string that is tied around the bull's horns and remove
as much of it as possible. In order to achieve this, the guys with black
lettering have a little handheld gizmo that is used for cutting string (wrapped
around a bull's horns!).
The cutting gizmo.
Though they make it look easy
as we watch from our seats in the upper deck, we're sure that it's quite challenging and
probably gets the adrenaline going.
"Whoops...I'll just come back to get that later - try not to slobber on it,
To successfully (and
safely) get this close to an aggravated and unfriendly bull takes some planning,
guts, and team work. The guys with red lettering on their jersey appear to
be responsible for distracting the bull and getting it moving. (In our
opinion, it was the safer task.) Tasha also thought that maybe these guys
were like the team coaches since they seemed a little older and conferred a lot
with the other guys.
"Here, little bull-ey, little bull-ey. Good boy. Such a nice
little bull" (all in French, of course)
The guys with black
letters on their jerseys start on one side of the bull and make a running pass
at the bull. They need to get close enough to make contact with the head
and horns (the end that's conveniently also trying to make contact with them). They
plan their path, make a sprint towards the bull, site their desired contact
point on the head (keeping in mind that the bull is constantly moving and it's head is not
staying still) and take a swipe at the string around the horns.

"Tag, no tag-backs, ok?! J"
A split second later,
they turn their attention towards the objective of escape from this rather
large and angry animal with pointy things on its head that they have just
further aggravated. Frankly, we don't blame them for the intensity and
focus on this phase of the plan.

They make a beeline towards the
side of the arena, step on the white railing on the bottom of the red
fence, and jump out of the bull ring with the bull screeching to a halt before
hitting the fence, Pretty straightforward - though perhaps a little
insane, but we digress.

What puzzled us at first was why
every one of these guys didn't just "hop the fence;" instead, they leapt over the
fence and up on to the railings in the stands. Occasionally, when they had
removed a piece of the string from the bull, they would give it to one of the
fans. But most of the time, it was a landing spot, and perhaps a brief
chance to catch their breath.
mind me...this is a nice, comfortable spot. Have any peanuts or
Cracker Jack? Oh yeah, wrong sport. J" |
After a few repetitions of this
routine, it suddenly became clear why they exit the arena with such zest.

These bulls don't always stop short
at the fence - they regularly go over it! And then it's fun to watch all the
people that were behind the fence jump over it into the arena and hang there until they get the
bull back on the "right" side.
All in all, an entertaining and
informative afternoon for us. If you ever find yourself in Saints Maries
de la Mer (or the general area), you should check it out.
See you l-a-a-a-a-a-ter!

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