| Saintes Maries de la Mer (Clicking on an image below will bring up a larger version of it.)
This is the symbol of the town - the anchor with a cross and a heart. Here we are having a little fun before our big horse back ride.
Anika found the best place to complete her World Schooling assignment!
A Saint Marie's Day
Okay, here is the story of this town. There were two Maries, who were related to the Virgin Mary. They were Christians, and so were kicked out of Judea. In fact the story says, they were put into a boat neither oars nor sails. They washed ashore in the current location of this town, which is named after both of them. Once here, they converted the local population and the local band of gypsies. The leader of the gypsies was Sara, who asked to be baptized along with all of her followers. She and both of the Maries were later sainted. Below are a few shots of the local celebration of these women. As you see it includes a procession lead by riders on white horses down to the sea. I loved the local costums.
Bull Fighting
There is a local tradition of bull fighting in this area. We were lucky enough to see the games. It is very different that the Spanish version of bull fighting, not the least in the fact that the bulls are not killed!
What is this man doing with his hand on a charging bull's head? And why is the bull chasing him? Find out more about the outcome and this local form of entertainment. link to Bull Games page
This was the seat of the Popes for 68 years during the 1300s and was ruled by papal legate until the French revolution. It is an amazing town, and is still completely surrounded by a tall defensible wall. French school children learn a song about this bridge in Avignon:
Pont du Gar
This is a Roman viaduct built nearly 2000 years ago. It is not possible to capture its true size in a photo. If you look carefully, you will see that there is a person at the far right of this photo just over the bottom arch. This is a big structure!
From here we headed to Barcelona, Spain for a two week recharge!
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