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Cambodia is a country still suffering from land mines planted during their civil war in the 70s. While all of the Angkor temples have been meticulously cleared, you are still warned not to stray from the paths, just in case.
The archeological sites in this area are numerous, and quite spread out. A map of the area might prove useful.
Angkor Thom
Angkor Thom was once the royal palace and a large city, completely surrounded by a wall. Some sources claim that there would have been up to a million people living within Angkor Thom during it's heyday, which was when the Khmer ruled Southeast Asia from 1200 CE. (This estimate seems very high to me, just from roaming around the place. The area within the walls is only 9km2.) Angkor Thom was "discovered" by a Frenchman in the 1600 and compared to the lost city of Atlantis!
One thing was very clear to us - we could not see all of these sites with the limited time that we had. We simply had to pick and choose.
South GateThis is the south gate entrance to the Angkor Thom complex, which is reached by crossing a bridge over the Siem Reap river. The railing on the bridge is built of carved heads sitting one behind the other watching over the bridge. The gate has faces carved into it: one on each of the ordinal sides.
BayonThis is the official state temple of the Mahayana Buddhist King Jayavarman. Constructed during the 1100s by King Suryavarman VII, it is made up of 54 towers, each of which has 4 faces. (Look carefully at this picture to see the faces.)
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