| In the Serengeti we stayed in a mobile camp. This camp moves as the wildebeest migrate across the Serengeti. Unfortunately, camp sites need to be reserved in advance, so someone has to guess where the wildebeest will be in advance. This is where the wildebeest usually are in November. But this year, the little rains were late, and so were the wildebeest! They come down when the grass is lush and green. So we saw no wildebeest on the Serengeti. But we saw other interesting things. We saw a leopard in search of a mate. We saw lots of lions waiting for the wildebeest. We saw a prowling Serval cat pounce on a mouse. We also saw a dozen large vultures cleaning off a kill. And in the evenings we sat by the fire watching "bush TV."
Yannis and Tasha were captivated by the vast expanses of the Serengeti. One day we stopped off for our picnic lunch near a few trees. It was an eventful lunch. First, Tasha lost a tooth. It went from not even loose to out in no time! Our guide, Arnold, showed Tasha how to toss her tooth to the lions in exchange for good luck. At the same picnic, Anika stepped on an acacia twig and a thorn went straight through her crocs (shoe) and into her foot. We spent a long time digging the last little bit of the thorn out of her foot. Yannis later confirmed that those thorns are sharp when one went straight through his sneaker and stopped just short of making a corresponding hole in his foot - definitely hiking boot territory.
Thompson's GazelleHartebeestElephants
Black Backed Jackal
Serval Cat
BirdsA lilac-breasted roller and a red-billed hornbill. We have taken hundreds of bird pictures. Click here to see some of the Birds of the Serengeti.
From the Serengeti we flew back to Manyara, and drove down the great rift valley into the Manyara National Park.
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